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User Registration
Updated over 7 months ago


This document provides a step-by-step guide for users to register on the Be On platform using recommended methods for enhanced security and user convenience.


  1. Accessing the Registration Page: Navigate to to reach the registration page directly.

  2. Registration Options: Users can choose from the following methods to register their account:

    • Standard Registration:

On the registration page, fill in the required fields such as your email address, and password. Click the "Register" button to complete the process.

    • Single Sign-On (SSO):

Apple, Google, or Microsoft: Users will see options to register using their accounts on the registration page. Click the respective button to proceed with authentication through the chosen service. Follow the prompts to authorize access and complete the registration process.

3. Completing the Registration Process: After successfully registering through any of the provided methods, users will be redirected to their personal dashboard in the platform, where they can begin their wellness journey.

4. Troubleshooting and Support: If users encounter any issues during the registration process, such as problems with SSO authentication or form submission errors, they can seek assistance from our support team.

Support URL: Visit our support page at for help.

Additional Notes

Ensure that the browser allows pop-ups from our site to fully interact with SSO providers.

If registering with a traditional method, ensure that the password used meets the security requirements specified on the registration page.

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